Monday, April 2, 2012

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"To be great is to be misunderstood."
Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American essayist, poet, and he led the Transcendentalist movement during the 19th century.  He is also well known for his famous quotes that he would state in his essays.  While reading his essays i became quite fond of Emerson and his quotes.  One of my favorite quotes was "To be great is to be misunderstood."  This quote really sparked in my mind and the first person that I could think about who is the most understood person in our society today is this man below.....

Lebron "King" James
When I read that quote by Emerson Lebron James was the first thing that popped in my head. When you were younger who did most kids who played basketball say they wanted to be like?  Michael Jordan right!  Now you hear more kids saying they want to be "GREAT" like Kobe Bryant or who else?  You guessed it, Lebron James!  Okay so now that most kids think of Lebron as someone to look up to then why is it that every time you turn your t.v. to Sportscenter there is always a video or someone saying something bad about him. 

There are more videos than these that i have posted, but why is it that one minute people call him "Great" and the next minute their criticising him for not winning one basketball game.  This is a great example for Emerson's quote because Lebron is the greatest basketball player right now and is the most misunderstood.  He gets blamed for everything that doesn't go right with the Miami Heat.  If they lose a game he gets blamed for the loss, if he gets injured they'll claim that he's faking an injury, and they even had the nerve to go after his mom and get involved in his personal life. All of the negativity and he is still the greatest basketball player in the game right now.  He says all the time that all he wants to do is play basketball and win games, but I guess Emerson's quote is right after all.  "To be great is to be misunderstood"

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